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Niche Podcasting as Part of a Marketing Strategy – Custom Self Care
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Niche Podcasting as Part of a Marketing Strategy

Niche Podcasting as Part of a Marketing Strategy

By Kaumudi Tiwari

If you’re looking for a new way to reach your target audience, why not consider starting a podcast? A podcast can showcase your expertise—(the top reason people listen to podcasts is to learn new things)—as well as engage with new and potential customers.

Many Americans today are listening to podcasts and podcast listenership has increased fairly steadily over the last decade. Pew Research Center reported that in 2023, 42% of Americans ages 12 and older had listened to a podcast in the last month, and 10 years earlier, that figure was only 12%. Have we piqued your interest? Here are some steps for getting started.

Steps to creating a podcast for marketing your brand

1. Define your podcast niche

over 4.1 million podcasts, carving your own niche in the podcast industry can be a challenge. How then can you stand out from your competition? Start by niching down and choosing a topic that caters to a select audience. You can identify popular topics in your niche by leveraging keyword research tools (Google Trends, Ubersuggest, or BuzzSumo), as well as explore industry publications and blogs.

Pro tip: Avoid over-niching by choosing a topic that won’t have an audience. At the same time, don’t choose a topic that is so general that the internet is flooded with it.

2. Identify the specific audience you want to target

To build a thriving community, it is absolutely crucial to identify and narrow down your audience size to a specific demographic. Start with user segmentation to divide the Total Addressable Market (TAM) to the Serviceable Available Market (SAM), and then finally, the Target Market (TM). This segmentation can be achieved through various methods:

  • Demographic segmentation: Consider the demographic characteristics of your audience, such as age, location, occupation, industry, and company size to define your target audience more precisely.
  • Geographic segmentation: Determine where your target audience is concentrated. This can be important if your podcast content caters to specific regions or cultures.
  • Psychographic segmentation: Understand the psychographic traits of your target audience, including their values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyle choices. This information can help you tailor your podcast content to resonate with their preferences and motivations.
  • Behavioral segmentation: Analyze the behavior patterns of your audience, such as their podcast consumption habits, preferred topics, and engagement levels. This data can assist you in creating content that aligns with your needs and interests.

For instance, when we started our podcast,
The CX Broadcast, we wanted to reach a target audience interested in learning about customer experience. We reached out to customer experience leaders in different industries relevant to us, such as fintech, e-commerce, and healthcare. Inviting these industry experts to be podcast guests proved to be an effective way to draw in our target audience and create brand awareness.

Your target audience is often the group you want to do business with, so it’s important to define your buyer persona clearly. The more focused you are on understanding your audience, the more likely your podcast will resonate with them.

Bottom line: Your podcast can’t be for everyone. If you try to appeal to everyone, sometimes you end up appealing to no one.

3. Choose a relatable podcast name

When choosing a name for your podcast, there are two different approaches to consider. The first is to opt for a creative name that sparks curiosity and intrigue. This type of name may not directly convey what your show is about, but it has the potential to capture people’s attention and generate interest.

The second approach is to select a name that clearly conveys the essence of your podcast. This is the approach we used when were choosing our podcast’s name: “The CX Broadcast.” The title right away says what our podcast is going to be about: customer experience. It establishes immediate relevance and attracts individuals who are specifically interested in that topic.

Choose a name that:

  • Describes the theme and content of your show
  • Aligns with your brand’s overall goals
  • Is easy to remember
  • Is short, preferably 29 characters or fewer
  • Catches the audience’s attention

Pro tip: You can leverage free brand name-generating tools like BuisnessNameGenerator, Castos, and Namify.

4. Assess the competition

Data-driven competitive intelligence is key to podcast success. Research who your competitors are and then analyze what they are doing. Things to look for:

  • Identify content gaps or areas that competitors haven’t covered extensively. Also, look for areas where you can bring a fresh perspective.
  • Examine your competitors’ audience engagement and feedback to understand what resonates with listeners, enabling you to tailor your content and strategies accordingly.
  • Gain insights into your competitors’ promotional strategies, partnerships, guest collaborations, and community-building tactics.

5. Identify what makes your podcast stand out

It’s now time to address an important question: what makes your podcast unique? Is it your unrivaled expertise in a particular niche? Perhaps it’s your ability to deliver entertaining and informative storytelling. Maybe it’s your guest selection, the production quality, or your podcast’s innovative format.

The answer that you come up with will become your podcast’s unique selling point (USP). It will set your podcast apart and allow you to reach your audience through every episode you create, making it a memorable, distinctive, and compelling experience. Understanding and highlighting your USP will create a compelling reason for your target audience to choose your podcast over countless others available.

6. Plan the content

Programming of your podcast broadcasts need to be meticulously planned in advance. Start by brainstorming a variety of episode topics that align with your niche and that your audience will find intriguing. Explore different formats, like interviews, solo deep dives, or panel discussions. Also, identify experts within your niche who can be guests.

Once you have your list of topics, map out a content calendar that outlines the sequence of episodes, ensuring a cohesive flow and progression. Even with a set calendar, it’s important to stay flexible to allow coverage of last-minute new, timely ideas or opportunities that may come along. Also, talk to and listen to your audience. Ask them for feedback so you can create content that resonates with them.

Make sure that you have at least four to five episodes in the pipeline before launch. This will help you stick to a consistent podcasting schedule, which will also help keep your audience engaged. Always offer a hook at the end of every episode, announcing what’s coming up next. A regular weekly, biweekly, or monthly podcasting routine can help establish a community of loyal listeners.

7. Choose platforms for distribution

When choosing the platforms to distribute your podcast, prioritize ones that offer maximum potential for traffic and audience engagement. Options include your website, an application, or even a social media handle.

Make sure that whichever online platform (or platforms) you choose is where your target audience likes to hang out—whether it’s for listening to podcasts, engaging with content, or simply interacting with the community. Streaming services like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Amazon Music are top favorites of audiences and can help you tap into existing user communities.

Once you’ve finalized your primary distribution platforms, consider cross-promoting your podcast across different channels. You can share snippets or highlights of your episodes on social media to generate interest and drive traffic back to full episodes on podcasting platforms. This multi-channel approach can help broaden your audience reach and increase visibility.

Pro tip: We leveraged Buzzsprout to automatically publish and distribute our podcasts across various streaming platforms, like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Also, by utilizing podcast hosting services, like Podbean and Libsyn, we eliminated the need to submit an RSS feed manually to streaming services.

8. Generate a prelaunch buzz

A prelaunch buzz is important for piquing your future audience’s curiosity and setting the stage for an epic launch. By generating anticipation and excitement, you lay a strong foundation for your upcoming episodes that will captivate and engage your audience right from the start.

View prelaunch buzz as a strategic opportunity to showcase your podcast’s USP, tease compelling content, and introduce your podcasting persona. By generating buzz, you also generate word-of-mouth recommendations and social media shares, which can lead to organic growth.

During the prelaunch phase of our podcast, we strategically leveraged social and community platforms, such as LinkedIn and Slack, to create a buzz. With access to over 35 CX-focused Slack communities and LinkedIn groups, we seized the opportunity to engage with our target audience and capture their interest directly.

You can maximize the buzz around your podcast by:

  • Creating trailers that introduce it to new audiences, telling people what to expect and getting them excited to tune in.
  • Creating podcast-exclusive social media accounts/pages and posting on them several weeks before the official launch to build a community around your podcast.
  • Teasing your target audience by offering behind-the-scenes photos, recordings, and guest quotes to create anticipation.
  • Offering early access to episodes for those who subscribe or sign up for email updates. This creates a sense of exclusivity for your audience, thereby encouraging referrals.

9. Have an engaging intro and outro

Capturing your target audience’s attention within the first 15 to 30 seconds of your podcast is crucial. A captivating opening that immediately grabs their interest is the key to keeping them engaged throughout the entire episode. Ways to do this include:

  • Pose a thought-provoking question related to the main topic of your episode so that listeners stick around to find out the answer.
  • Begin with a surprising or intriguing fact or statistic that is relevant to your episode’s content.
  • Start with a short, engaging anecdote or story that relates to the episode’s theme that will hook listeners.
  • Give listeners a sneak peek of what’s to come in the episode; this will hopefully motivate them to continue listening.

While the intro sets the tone and grabs your audiences’ attention right from the start, the outro is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression on them and provide a clear call to action. In the outro, you can:

  • Briefly summarize the main takeaways or key points discussed in the episode to reinforce the value your podcast provides.
  • Tease listeners with what’s coming up in future episodes to build anticipation and inspire regular visits.
  • Include clear and specific CTAs to encourage listeners to subscribe to your podcast, leave reviews, follow your social media accounts, or join your email list for exclusive content or updates.
  • Thank your listeners for tuning in and being a part of your podcast community to build rapport with them.

10. Build a landing page

You will need a landing page for your podcast. Elements to include on the landing page include:

  • An overview of your podcast, including its theme, topics, value proposition, and popular podcast episodes; you may also provide an overview of the most recent episode.
  • High-quality images, graphics, or video content that complement your podcast’s theme.
  • Clear calls to action with links to different platforms, encouraging visitors to subscribe.
  • Social media sharing options that encourage listeners to easily share your podcast or a specific episode with their network.
  • Short audio clips or video previews that offer a sneak peek into your podcast’s content.

Marketing channels to promote your podcast

Depending on your target audience, there are different channels you can focus on for marketing your podcast and building a strong community. Since there is no one-size-fits-all approach, diversifying your presence across multiple channels is important to reach a wider audience and engage with them on platforms they frequent.

Specific podcast directories

Submitting your podcast to well-known directories, like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher, ensures that your content reaches a vast audience of dedicated podcast listeners. These platforms have millions of active users, making them prime spaces to gain exposure and attract new listeners.

Add all essential information like podcast title, description, episode title, and description, updated using SEO best practices like keyword research.


Newsletters serve as a dynamic and engaging means to promote your podcast to your dedicated subscribers. Offer a sneak peek of your podcast and share intriguing quotes, interesting anecdotes, or exclusive behind-the-scenes content that compel your audience to go to your podcast page.

Influencer collaboration

If you want to grow your podcasting community quickly, what better way than to collaborate with influencers with similar audiences? According to podcaster
Jeff Sanders of The 5 AM Miracle podcast, “Being interviewed on other podcasts that have large audiences has been more effective than any other [marketing] strategy.”

You can appear on other podcasters’ shows and invite podcasters to yours to expand your reach and tap into a new pool of potential listeners who share an interest in your niche. To find relevant influencers, leverage podcast directories, popular blogs, and social media accounts related to your podcast’s topic. Consider giving a shout-out to another podcast in one of your episodes for cross-promotional opportunities.

Social media

Platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram offer excellent promotional opportunities for podcasts, each catering to different target audiences and content styles. If your target audience is primarily business-oriented and your podcast focuses on industry-specific topics, entrepreneurship, leadership, or professional development, LinkedIn can be highly effective.

On the other hand, if you want to cater to a broader and more diverse audience, and your podcast covers lifestyle topics, creative endeavors, pop culture, travel, or lighter subjects, Instagram might be a better pick.

No matter which social media platform you leverage, make sure that you:

  • Share every new podcast on your social media accounts with captivating captions and relevant hashtags to increase visibility and attract new listeners.
  • Don’t forget to tag the guests in your social media posts, and encourage them to share on their channels as well.
  • Engage actively with your followers by responding to comments and messages and starting conversations around your podcast’s topics.
  • Share photos and videos from the recording studio, introducing the faces and voices behind your episodes to build a sense of connection with your audience.
  • Utilize live streaming platforms, like Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or YouTube Live to interact with your listeners in real-time by answering questions and sharing exciting updates.

Paid advertisements

Investing in targeted advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Google Ads to reach potential listeners can be a fast and effective way to promote your podcast and increase brand awareness. You can create eye-catching ad visuals and compelling ad copy to drive clicks and conversions.

To maximize your results from your paid advertisement, you should use a compelling image, test paid ads, and target the right audience. Tracking and measuring the success of your podcast promotion campaign will help to refine your ad strategy and optimize your budget for better results.

Podcast communities

Podcast communities, such as Facebook groups or online forums dedicated to specific podcasting genres or topics, allow you to connect with like-minded individuals who are already interested in your niche. Through podcast communities, you can:

  • Actively participate in discussions and get valuable insights.
  • Share your podcast episodes and seek feedback from the community.
  • Increase the visibility of your podcast and attract potential listeners.
  • Collaborate with other podcasters in the community to cross-promote each other’s show and mutually benefit.

Listener referrals

Listener referral programs can be a powerful tool to tap into your existing listeners’ network and attract new ones. Satisfied and engaged listeners are more likely to recommend your podcast to their friends and colleagues, helping you build a community. To get listener referrals, you can

  • Offer referral incentives, such as exclusive bonus episodes, early access to new content, or entry into a giveaway.
  • Include a compelling call to action, encouraging your listeners to share the show with friends who might enjoy the content.

Short-form video content

Posting shorts, reels, or brief video clips on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, can be an effective way to attract new listeners and promote your podcast. You can create eye-catching teaser trailers for your podcast episodes and upload them as shorts with relevant hashtags. These short clips can offer a glimpse of the episode’s highlights, leaving viewers curious and eager to listen to the full episode.

Building community

Here are tips for engaging your audience, fostering loyalty, and growing your listener base:

Encourage audience interaction: Create opportunities for your audience to actively participate and engage with your podcast. In your episodes, incorporate interactive elements, such as Q&A sessions, polls, or listener-submitted questions. Inviting audience input makes your audience feel valued and invested in your content.

Gauge feedback through newsletters: Utilize newsletters to collect customer feedback from your listeners. Encourage people to share their thoughts, suggestions, and episode preferences, and tailor your content based on what they share.

Leverage collaborations with expert guests: Invite guests within your niche to share their insights and experiences on your podcast. These collaborations bring diverse perspectives, attract new audiences, and enhance your podcast’s reputation and authority.

Have a consistent voice that aligns with your niche audience: Develop a distinct voice and tone that aligns with your niche and resonates with your target audience. Consistency in your communication style creates familiarity and helps your community connect with your brand identity.

Seek listener reviews and ratings: Encourage your listeners to leave reviews and ratings on podcast directories. Engaging with listener reviews shows that you value their opinions and fosters a sense of community.

Analyze listener insights and data to refine your strategy: Track metrics like listener demographics, episode downloads, and engagement levels. Utilize this data to refine your content strategy, tailor episodes to your audience’s interests, and maximize your podcast’s impact.

FAQs on starting a podcast

Are podcasts a good marketing strategy?

Yes, podcasts are an effective marketing strategy as they offer a unique platform for businesses to engage with their target audience through audio content.

How do you use podcasts for marketing?

A podcast is a powerful way to boost brand awareness. It offers a platform to showcase your brand’s story, promote products, and share user stories for effective marketing. Podcasts can also be used for building authority in your niche and reaching your target audience.

How do I reach more people with my podcast?

To reach more people with podcasts, the key is to be consistent. One can focus on consistent quality content, leverage guest interviews for cross-promotion, optimize episode titles and descriptions for SEO, send episode links through your newsletter, engage with your audience on social media, and consider partnerships on relevant platforms.

About the Author

Post by: By Kaumudi Tiwari

Kaumudi Tiwari, the digital marketing lead at Zonka Feedback, is an experienced content writer and digital strategist, who has been in the IT industry for the last 5+ years.

Company: Zonka Feedback

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Source:Guest Post , www.allbusiness.com, [publish_date
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