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How to Increase Your Value at Work – Custom Self Care
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How to Increase Your Value at Work

How to Increase Your Value at Work

We live in strange times. People are either getting laid off or not seeking jobs altogether. More than ever before, the value you bring to your job pays dividends. But what is value? What can you do to increase it and how will it affect your life? In this article, we’ll discuss how to up your game, making you stronger and more prepared to navigate the current turbulent job market.

To start, it’s important to realize that the foundation of adding value to what you do is
caring about what you put your time and effort into. If you envision a solid career path for yourself, invest in your growth, and dedicate yourself to that vision, you already add value to what you bring because your heart and soul are in it.

I see this in my household. The love I have for my company Garnysh, the soul I put into my updates on Instagram, and my children’s passion for their acting careers are great examples. We’re fully behind what we do, and that makes the challenge of pursuing
anything that much easier. When your heart is in it, you’re along for the ride and the inevitable ups and downs.

Ways to increase your value at work

1. Be dedicated

Let’s be honest, starting a new career is hard. Training, focus, and challenges are unavoidable, but if you show your dedication to what you do, you’re immediately adding value to yourself as an employee. Showing dedication to the company you work for never goes unnoticed. Remember the time (before the age of laziness and layoffs) when people worked for a company most of their lives? Perhaps your grandmother or grandfather lived this way. The magic ingredient in that longevity was dedication, proving that you’re a useful team member who is part of your colleagues’ extended family. You don’t race home when the work day is over. The company holds a place in your heart and you show this through your commitment and hard work.

2. Have a positive attitude

Along with dedication, nothing brings more value than the attitude you take to work every day. During the storms of life, if you can cast the drama aside and be fully present in what you do, people will take note. I’d argue that the majority of layoffs are due to poor attitude. You can always learn new skills in any job, but it’s how you approach this effort that will turn heads. Think about it—would you want to go to work each day and surround yourself with people showing bad attitudes? Of course not! We naturally want to be around upbeat, positive individuals. If you’re stepping into a new career and have a lot to learn, but still bring that winning attitude, you’ll get where you want to go and the company will hold onto you.

3. Be relationship-oriented

We all thrive off relationships. That’s how we operate! If you consciously create strong, healthy bonds in the workplace, you boost your value. The reason is that others trust you, see that you’re authentic, and want to be around you. Human connection is so important and the workplace is no exception. Make friends! Open yourself up to others so that you can
look forward to coming to work each day, even when it’s a challenging job.

4. Keep getting better

There’s no worse feeling than that of being stuck. But if you’re constantly learning and growing, you’ll have a fire ignited within you that shows management and colleagues your desire to reach for the sky. This passion for growth is possible in any career. When I began working toward influencer status on Instagram, I wanted to learn and grow constantly! I also see this in my kids’ careers. If you have that passion (you can work at McDonald’s and have passion!), you’ll have a natural desire to get better at what you do. Trust me, this effort is seen and it increases your value.

5. Start leading

Take initiative. If you care about your job and are proactive when you see potential hurdles and challenges, it will be acknowledged by those around you. Your value will heavily increase. Why is this? Because management sees that you’re skilled and that
you care. You’re not waiting for someone else to call the shots. You know your job, are fully invested, and can tackle challenges ahead of time. You would not believe the value that this affords you. Taking the initiative is a leadership move, even if you’re not in management. You’re leading through action. In short, problem-solving and initiative are valuable commodities that propel your career.

6. Be your full self

You read that right. No one wants to see a mask. They want to know who you are! Be your authentic self and bring that person to work each day because I promise you no one wants any less. Being your authentic self helps people trust you. They know who you are and how your values dictate your life. In any relationship, we can sense when someone is
not authentic and that can be off-putting. Yes, you have value, and showing people your fullness helps that value to shine.

7. Push through

The workplace can be challenging and there are days when you’ll want to give up. That’s natural! But if you can push through challenges and remain motivated, you inspire confidence in others. When you bring that winning attitude into difficult days, connect with others, and remain focused, your value exponentially increases. Others will see you as a superhero and want you around for the long haul. You’ve got the grit to discover the light at the end of the tunnel.

8. Speak up

Honesty is so powerful. It’s not always easy, but it will ring true for others. If you speak up and remain honest in your position, not only does your value increase but you’re
needed in that position. Just like bringing your authentic self, honesty is a foundation that transforms any team. If the company doesn’t like your honesty…then great! You’ve learned that you’re in the wrong place. You’ll know it’s a great fit when you are embraced for bringing your heart, dedication, and full self. In many ways, your dream job should feel like home.

9. Give back

When you mentor other colleagues, you’ve sealed the deal. It’s a game-changer. You’re showing management that you can do everything in this article—you’re dedicated, positive, interested in others, growing, pushing, and you’re
giving back. Teaching is the hallmark of leadership, but taking the time to mentor when you’re not in a leadership position is rock-star status.

We live in unique times when it comes to employment. However, the tried and true principles and integrity of our parents and grandparents are more important than ever. Boost your value by working hard and committing. Bring your full self. Even if the job doesn’t last, another company will see these qualities shining through and hold onto you for as long as they can.

Source:Meeta Vengapally , www.allbusiness.com, [publish_date
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