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A New Perspective Focused on Purpose and Calling — Faith Driven Entrepreneur – Custom Self Care
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A New Perspective Focused on Purpose and Calling — Faith Driven Entrepreneur

A New Perspective Focused on Purpose and Calling — Faith Driven Entrepreneur

The Common Threads of Calling 

One of the things people need to be careful of when considering their calling is that we tend to paint “Norman Rockwell pictures” in our minds. A friend once confided in me that she was struggling to accept her son’s decision to become a missionary in China. She had grown up in a home where the family stayed close and shared meals together. She had a picture in her mind that her life would be similar: she was the loving grandmother whom all the grandchildren would often visit, just as she had visited her own grandmother. Like a Rockwell illustration, this picture was warm, safe, and comforting. 

I asked her if I could share something for her to think about, and she agreed. 

I told her I thought she had painted a beautiful picture in her mind. “But maybe God has another painting…” I said, “One that’s very different. If you just allow God to paint His picture, you might find out that it’s a much prettier painting.” 

She thought about it, looked at me, and said, “You are right. I have to let God paint the picture!” 

Now, many years later, the picture that God painted for her is beautiful, though very different and much better than anyone could have dreamed. 

Many of us think we have a particular path we should follow, but often, it’s the picture 

that we want, not the one God desires to paint. We’re settling for a stick-figure crayon drawing when God offers us a beautiful masterpiece. We simply have to let go of the brush and let Him do the painting. 

When you let God hold the paintbrush, you discover that your calling is the work God uniquely designed you to do during your time on this earth. 

Since it is universal that we are not created to primarily build our personal legacies, pursue our own happiness, or collect material wealth, it makes sense that there are also common threads for our individual callings: 

  • Bearing fruit that lasts beyond our lifetime, without being concerned about whether our name is remembered in association with that legacy. 

  • Devoting our lives to the well-being of others. 

  • Sharing our blessings with those in need, wherever we may “nd them. 

In other words, we are each called to care. 

Shaping a New Attitude 

A new perspective goes hand-in-hand with a new attitude. Just as you can’t go somewhere you’ve never been by doing what you’ve always done, it also makes sense that you can’t do what you’ve never done with the same attitude you’ve always had. 

Everyone you meet brings joy to your life—some when they enter and some when they leave. How do you want to be remembered? Think about some of the people who had the most significant impact on your life—the ones who have been the most influential in shaping you into the person you are today. Whoever these people are in your life, what was it they said or did that stayed with you for years or even decades later? 

Most likely, it was their qualities and attributes that you found attractive—their authenticity, humility, selflessness, encouragement, integrity, gentleness, caring, inspiration, enlightenment, and unconditional love. What do they all have in common? The people who had the greatest positive impact on us likely had great attitudes. 

Many of us are beginning to interact with people we haven’t seen in person for months. This is a rare opportunity to reshape and reset our past attitudes. We can replace frustration with patience, annoyance with contentment, and worry with joy. We have power over our own attitudes, and we can choose to foster an attitude of humility, care, and respect for ourselves and others

Respect Through Self-sacrifice 

Respect, or the lack of it, is the confluence of attitude and relationships. A good attitude towards whom you have a relationship with will earn their respect and vice versa. The two character traits that will most likely earn their respect are loyalty and a willingness to sacrifice for someone else’s needs. Have you noticed that some of the people you respect the most are the ones who have stuck by you when you were going through a hard time, especially when it was not convenient for them to do so? 

A few years ago, there was a woman at our company who was very well respected. She had a great attitude, was a hard worker, and was friendly to everyone. Then, she became very ill. She used up all her vacation and sick time during this illness, but because she had shown loyalty and respect for her coworkers, they returned the favor by offering some of their own personal time. Since she had also earned the respect of management, the company matched the personal time that her coworkers sacrificed on her behalf. Through this process, I imagine she came to appreciate the people she worked with even more, and they had a tangible way to show her their care for her. 

There is no perfect answer to find our purpose, but I believe it will become clear by resetting our perspectives. By casting aside meaningless pursuits, acting with an attitude of integrity, and showing respect to others, I believe we will emerge from the past year with a clarified purpose and calling. 

Source:Faith Driven Team , www.faithdrivenentrepreneur.org, [publish_date
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