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#523: Change Your Life Today By Adopting A Simple Mindset and Love Hacks with Kerry Tepedino – Custom Self Care
Home Stress Management #523: Change Your Life Today By Adopting A Simple Mindset and Love Hacks with Kerry Tepedino

#523: Change Your Life Today By Adopting A Simple Mindset and Love Hacks with Kerry Tepedino

#523: Change Your Life Today By Adopting A Simple Mindset and Love Hacks with Kerry Tepedino

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Episode Summary

The large majority of our daily thoughts are negative– whether we like it or not. Research shows that over 75% of our thoughts each day are negative! But get this– replacing even a few of those thoughts each day can truly change your life. Just a slightly more positive thought can shift everything– because you’re operating in a positive energy.

This mental shift is exactly what Kerry Tepedino is a master in– and she’s here today to help you reframe your mindset. Her technique ‘One Thought Away’ has totally changed my life for the better. 

This essentially means that we’re always one thought away from creating a life that we love. One thought away from making a healthy food choice, one thought away from a conversation turning into an argument, or one thought away from spending the next 20 minutes on Instagram instead of on ourselves. These are just a few examples of the many thoughts– and choices– we make every day.

We are a culmination of our thoughts and choices. Every choice we make has an impact on who we become in the future. So Kerry’s here today to share with us more about this one-thought-away tool. Plus, she teaches us many other techniques to overcome daily obstacles and emotional situations to fine-tune our mindset mastery. 

The transformation we’ve been dreaming of may be right on the other side of just one thought. Kerry and I both are living this truth every single day, and I can’t wait for you to experience the benefits this simple mindset shift can bring you. 

You always have the choice and the power within to choose a different thought– one that will move you closer to the life, relationship, career,  and health that you love. 

Join Kerry and me today to start mastering your mindset and creating the life that you know you deserve. Plus, we’ll give you all the details on how to get her brand new book One Thought Away. This book is jam-packed with tools you can implement to optimize your decisions and create the life of your dreams through your mindset. 

Tune in to this episode to break free from old habits and negative thinking. So you can experience positive changes in energy. Changes that will not only enhance your well-being now– but will for the rest of your life. 

Kerry Tepedino 

Kerry Tepedino has made her mark as a top leader in personal development for women. Kerry came from a place of low self-esteem and not believing in herself– and she was desperate for change. She came to a defining moment in her life where decided to find the freedom that her soul was craving.

Through deep study of personal development, leadership, holistic health, nutrition, yoga, meditation, and breath work, Kerry created her Sacred Self System, which helped her life go from rock bottom to where she is today– loving a life that she never thought could be possible. 
She’s influenced over 150,000 people worldwide in mindset mastery, emotional mastery, and self-love. Plus, she has a beautiful new book One Thought Away, that we discuss more in this podcast.


“I find that when I’m in the mindset of life happening for me, rather than life happening to me, doors begin to open for me and the teachers and experts arrive right when I need them to take that next leap.”

“Research shows that we have 80,000 thoughts a day and 60,000 to 70,000 of those thoughts are usually negative.”

“I’m inviting you to live into the projection of the woman you want to be and the life that you want to have. Start to really visualize in your mind– start training your mind to see that as the life you have and feel what it feels like to have that life.

“We’re training the brain to understand that it’s actually safe to stretch outside your comfort zone, to stretch into your next level of potential. And that change can equate to opportunity. So you start to have a different relationship with uncertainty” 

“When you really want to change your life, you’ve got to start with changing how you think.”

In This Episode

  1. What is “One Thought Away” thinking? 
  2. Mindset shifts off of negative thoughts  
  3. The power of positive thinking and visualization 
  4. Mindset mastery and emotional mastery 
  5. The importance of accountability
  6. Why change is a good thing 
  7. How paying attention to your everyday choices makes a difference
  8. Leveraging the energy of emotions to work in your favor
  9. Strategies for becoming and staying present 
  10. Understanding the payoffs and costs of our habits

Resources Mentioned

One Thought Away Book | One Thought Away Free First Chapter** 
Kerry Tepedino’s Website  | Kerry’s Instagram | Kerry’s Facebook Page

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#356: You’re Always One Thought Away From Living A Life You Love With Kerry Tepedino

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Source:Mariza , drmariza.com, 2023-05-05 07:05:00,Source Link