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8 Biblical Pillars of Rapid Transformation — Faith Driven Entrepreneur – Custom Self Care
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8 Biblical Pillars of Rapid Transformation — Faith Driven Entrepreneur

8 Biblical Pillars of Rapid Transformation — Faith Driven Entrepreneur

— by Christian Santiago

What is the purpose of the 8 Biblical Pillars of Rapid Transformation?

After studying the Bible to notice what caused people to be changed immediately from one type of person to another in a moment rather than through a gradual change, I wanted to implement them because:

  • It could help people change in days rather than decades

  • It would give people a roadmap to see what area they’re lacking in & the solution to it

  • Christians could see every area of their lives elevated without sacrificing their faith

  • I genuinely believe the Bible has all of the success principles for every issue of life

What are the 8 Biblical Pillars of Rapid Transformation?

  1. Identity – The most powerful view in your life is not God’s, it’s yours. The power of naming. It’s God changing Jacob’s name to Israel, Jesus changing Simon’s name to Peter. It’s the power of using “I Am” statements.

  2. Mindset & Beliefs – The only reason you don’t have everything God says you can have is the story you tell yourself as to why you can’t have it. It’s about shifting your beliefs using the 4 Molders of beliefs.

  3. Personal Standards – The difference in the quality of life between two people are the standards they hold themselves and others to. It’s Paul speaking in tongues more than everyone else even though no one told him to. The one thing that bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be are the standards you have for your life.

  4. Habits & Routines – Your habits will define you more than your desires ever will. It causes the standards you set in your life to be a reality, not a fantasy. It’s Jesus waking up early to pray every morning.

  5. Community – The relationships you have directly correlate with how great you become. The number one is too small of a number to achieve anything great. No one in the Bible ever achieved anything of great magnitude on their own

  6. Immersion – If you want to step into mastery at any level at a rapid pace, you must immerse yourself in it. You cannot be something who skims the surface of a subject, you must become someone who goes deep. God rewards those who choose to be diligent at everything they do and become excellent.

  7. Permission – Any level you’re not stepping into isn’t because you lack the mental, emotional, or physical capacity. It’s because you lack the emotional permission to do so. The Great Commission can also be called The Great Permission.

  8. Ownership – You cannot grow what you do not take ownership or responsibility over the results. If permission makes the next level possible, ownership makes the next level real. It’s taking dominion (i.e. dominating/ruling) over the area God has assigned to you.

#1 – Identity

Identity is the most powerful force in the human personality. God wired us to stay consistent with how we view ourselves. That’s why the most influential view in our lives is not our family, partners, friends, or God’s, is ours. The most correct view in our life, however, is God’s. That’s why the Bible is laden with identity language all throughout with consistent statements of “you are”. This is precisely why “I Am” affirmations/incantations are the most powerful ones any person can utter – it goes down to the core of the person and directs all their thoughts, beliefs, and values to come in alignment with that one identity.

This is another reason why names matter so much because whatever you name something, that’s exactly what it becomes to you. So, if you call your enterprise a small business or a growing empire, that’s exactly what it’ll become. Be careful what identity you assign to yourself and everything around you because it’ll shift rapidly to match that.

Key Verses: Jesus saying, “You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth.” Adam naming the animals in Genesis and whatever he named them, that’s what they became.

#2 – Mindset & Beliefs

What’s built on the foundation of the identity of a person are their mindsets & beliefs – what they regard to be true about their model of the world. If someone’s mindset & beliefs are that God doesn’t want them to have wealth, then every setback will not be seen as an opportunity to greater growth. On the other hand, if someone believes that God is for them and wants to bless them all the time, then even failures are not seen as failures but as building blocks

That’s why the only difference between a stepping stone and a stumbling block is the person who’s looking at it. And the ability to grow your business in the way God wants you to in this world is directly dependent on the quality of the beliefs you hold in your heart. How to influence them are through the 4 Molders of Beliefs

  1. Focus – Do you focus on lack or abundance? Failure or the lesson? 

  2. Meaning – What does this event mean to you? What meaning have you assigned to it? 

  3. Language – What are you saying about your life? Are you speaking life or death about it? 

  4. Mental Images/Sounds – What pictures or words do you see or hear in your mind? How do they affect your faith?

Key Verses: Isaiah 26:3; John 9:1-5; Proverbs 18:21; Numbers 13:30-33

#3 – Personal Standards

What’s the difference between two people? 

What’s the one tool we can use to bridge the gap from where we are now and where we know God says we can be in every area of our lives?

The difference in the quality of life between two people are the standards they hold themselves and others to. If you truly want to be someone great and do bigger things than you can even imagine, you have to set standards that scare you. Why?

The only thing that bridges the gap between where you are and where you’re supposed to be are the standards you set for your life. 

But here’s the thing: God sets the vision. You set the standards.

If you don’t accomplish what God placed inside of you or be as influential as He made you to be, it’s not His fault, it’s yours. The higher standards you choose to set will expand your current identity to step into the more powerful identity He has for you. You’ll be more, do more, and have more.

Key Verses: 1 Corinthians 14:18 – Paul saying he spoke in tongues more than everyone even though no one asked him to; Proverbs 12:24 – The diligent shall rule, which means they have higher standards than other people

#4 – Habits & Routines

The key to a faith-driven entrepreneur’s long-term effectiveness are the habits and routines they have in place. 

Why are they so important? Because your habits and routines are the things that establish your standards into place. They help make your new standards your new normal.

Why? Because you’re no longer relying on willpower to live out your standards. They have become automatic.

That’s why your habits will define you more than your desires ever will. Don’t tell me your dreams. First tell me your habits and routines, and it is only then will I know whether you have a vision or a fantasy. They are the thing that changes you from being a shooting star to a shining star – one that’s great over the long-term.

The two routines that matter the most are your morning and evening routines. Your morning routine sets you up to win your day, and your evening routine sets you up to win your morning

Key Verses: Luke 22:39 – Jesus made it His custom/habit to visit the Garden of Gethsemane – the place He had His biggest internal victory before He saved the world; Daniel 6:10 – Daniel made it a habit to pray 3 times a day at the same time each day

#5 – Community

What’s one of the most powerful factors that regulates our behaviors?

How is our personal effectiveness tied to the greatness of those around us?

The pillar of community provides rapid transformation and is so powerful because we will always seek to be consistent with the expectations of the people closest to us. If you want your life to elevate quickly, you must elevate your inner circle relentlessly.

There are 3 levels of community:

  • Mentor/Coach – Someone who is leading us that we take our cues from

  • Peer – Someone who is running with us to encourage, challenge, and empower us

  • Mentees – Someone who is below us that we are meant to pull them up

Anytime people have tension within their community and inner circle, it is because they have people in the wrong level. They must be able to put people in the right level and elevate the quality of the people within those circles to experience the rapid transformation they deserve

You must get around a community that challenges and inspires you to live at a higher level or else you will settle for one that makes you feel good at the level you choose to settle on.

Key Verses: Proverbs 13:20; 1 Corinthians 15:33

#6 – Immersion 

How do you get to a level of mastery at a faster pace than others?

How can you step into high performance and become world-class in weeks rather than decades?

The answer to these questions lies in the pillar of immersion. When you activate the pillar of immersion, you activate the power to compress decades into days.

There are 3 levels of immersion:

  1. Dabbler – Someone who just skims the surface of a subject

  2. Achiever – Someone who is content with knowing a lot about something, but isn’t experiencing the full weight of its benefits

  3. Master – Someone who is dedicated to mastery where they seek to have automatic fruit

How to step into the place of mastery and use immersion to learn any skill rapidly:

  1. Immerse Yourself In It – Better to spend 10 hours in one weekend than 1 hour a week for 10 weeks on just one topic

  2. Spaced Repetition – After immersion, spend at least 1-3 hours a month on keeping your skill sharp

  3. Use It & Adjust – Continue to make distinctions as you’re using the skill until people start asking you to teach them how to do it – that’s when you’re in a place of heightened proficiency

Key Verses: Moses being with God for 40 days and 40 nights, then coming down with a shining face; Jesus defeating every temptation from Satan for 40 days straight in the wilderness, then living a life of victory afterwards

Source:Faith Driven Team , www.faithdrivenentrepreneur.org, [publish_date
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